There were some positive response for a call to play touch rugby at Padang Utara on 2/1/2011 from the rugby boys. We'd like to extend the invite to anyone interested. Details as below:
Time/Date: 0745-0900hrs Sunday 2/1/2011
Venue: Padang Utara
Contact person: Bandit- 012 7760655
Note # 1- don't worry about your fitness level, the OPA Rugby Team are not a fit bunch either, they managed to win the game against MCOBA a few weeks back because the Kuala Kangsar Girls decided to play in their high heels, instead of rugby boots! hahahaaa..
Note # 2- Padang Utara is easily accesible via LRT, stop at AsiaJaya Station and walk 500m (pass by Hussien Onn Eye Hospital).
Note #3- I'm off to Pertama Kompleks during lunch time to buy a pair of boots! Hahaha..
Please forward this email to your batch and othe OP related lists..
OP Azly
(87-91 Alpha)

P/S post has been updated after lunch