Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Mosque Order 1991

Surrounding Commandant Boy- Mawardi "Jawa" Abu Bakar after Friday Prayers in 1991.

A question: We can understand Mahindra wearing his No 3.. But why was Cairil "Ucop" Anuar and Hermi "Bai" Edwar in No 3 Orders?

Note the shinny shoes of Fahmi "Penyu" Hashim, Razi "Boot" Pahlavi and Kam "Jagung" Kasturie (hint- the guy in corni-ish yellow).

Also note the one whose had his dreams come true- Azman "Cimon" Che Meh, now with Regimen Gerak Khas (Division/Section and whereabouts unknown- INFORMATION CLASSIFIED). We sleep easy knowing that you are out there protecting our country.

Photo courtesy of Mazli "Mandela" Mutalib.